Sunday, December 31, 2006

Who's evolved?

Here's a thing. Yesterday we went to see a movie at the Mall of the Emirates, better known as the mall with the ski slope in it. Night at the Museum to be exact. They have pretty large two tier theatres, and, atypically for Dubai, there was assigned seating. A small hurdle, but it was enough to identify that the shallow section of the gene pool had set up a primitive fort against the assault of civilisation on the left side of the theatre. They seemed to be predominantly Grunt speaking, and they seemed to want 'Ug!' often and urgently. Now in the ten minutes before the movie started, this was fine, and stood as an interesting study of our anthropomorphic ancestry.

However, as the movie started it became clear that we had landed ourselves in the middle of a war. On the one side were the aforementioned Ugs, and on the other, a scattered but strong contingent of Shhhs. The Shhhs' battle plan is less than perfect, resulting in plenty of escalating friendly fire until at one point an apogee of Shhh settles into an uneasy peace. This process takes around 5 minutes, and it reoccurs regularly.

Hero suffers the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune? The Ugs awww. The Shhhs shhh.
Hero takes arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing ends them? Everyone erupts into rapturous applause. I did not see that coming. And the coup de grĂ¢ce: at the emotional catharsis of the film, about 5 minutes before the credits, the Ugs take noisy leave, cheering and raising their arms in victory! V I C... V I C... V I C T Oh my god!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you took your camera and snapped some shots.