Monday, January 08, 2007

Searching - an exposé

I'm sitting in the airport lounge in Johannesburg using the public computer to check mail and generally waste time while I wait for my flight to Kimberley. I just stumbled upon the Internet Explorer cache of google search requests. Here are a couple I found interesting:
air conditioners cape town
big jugs
cape town gay scene
conferences in venezuela
famous uncut men
Spanking tools

I especially like the physically disabled person with the type a personality and an interest in cars and "foofball", but I have questions about some of the others too. Why is someone desperately researching airconditioning in Cape Town from the airport? Heard it's exceptionally hot there? Same goes for conferences in Venezuela - buddy, you're booked on the plane already! If you don't know where or when the conference is, you're in trouble. And hey, porn dog, the results on jugs not gibbous enough for you? A second search? And when you found the epic boobs you were looking for, did you bring them up in technicolour in the middle of the business lounge? People! Get it together!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Well, you know how it is in Airports. You are away from home, so your mind wanders onto things they wouldn't normally. You contemplate life. You wonder what it would be like to fly first class and buy a bentle, or a foofball team? Or a really big jug. Come on, you know you did it too.