Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The show that must go on

"Everybody say Cypress Hill, you fucked up!"

Ok, so I'm not Cypress Hill, but I did fuck up. Sorry if you've been trying to comment for the last day or two, since I accidentally excluded everyone but myself. Talk about a captive audience. Thanks to Gareth for pointing and laughing.

Vat so!So, what is the purpose of the obscure non sequitur to introduce this post? Well it's a quote from Henry Rollins. If you don't know him, he's big and scary, but in a good way. He does spoken word tours around the world, and I have tickets to see him live on December 29th. So rare I get to see a show I'm really amped for. Dubai scores its first big points with Geoff.


Cinnacism said...

Aww, I saw Henry Rollins do spoken word back in 2001. You'll enjoy it, I think.

Geoff said...

Hmphf, alright, you win this one. But he's, er, better now and I got a free car with my tickets. So there!

Cinnacism said...

I can only imagine that he's better now. Refining your craft and all that. I would totally want to see him again.