Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Initial Thoughts

Just a quick note to let you all know that I have arrived safely and am now happily esconced in our 14th floor apartment in Burj Dubai. The apartment's divine but the view does resemble a sceen out of Mel Gibson's Thunderdome.... lots of sand :) Also - I have to say that all of those people saying that 5% of the world's crane's are located in Dubai are talking &&%*, it's more along the lines of 30%! I can see over 50 from my bedroom window right now.

Otherwise the city itself is very upbeat and cosmopolitan. Tonnes of high skyskrapers, 8 lane freeways, neon lights and a McDonalds and a Starbucks on every corner. The people are also an eclectic mix of Arab, Indian, European and Russian. Walking through one of the many malls here you are privy to at least a dozen conversations in varying languages. Overall things are less strict than I had envisioned. People in malls wander around in tiny skirts with tops down to their belly buttons with noone even doing a double take. Ironically the muslim teen girls wear their abayas but make up for it with false eyelashes and glitter eyeshadow that stands out a mile away. Smoking is the norm here with there being no designated smokers or non smokers section. People wander the malls ashing on the floor and no restaurants or bars would dream of separate seatings. Generally people are friendly and outgoing though. For many of them this is not their home country which creates a sort of bond amongst us foreigners.

Prices are good - generally groceries and clothes are significantly cheaper than back home. Restaurants however - with or without booze - are much more expensive. A basic sit down dinner with 1 main and a coke will cost you a minimum of R120 per person, while a dinner or lunch at a hotel is upwards of R400 per person. Strange really considering that meat and fish are so much cheaper in the supermarkets than back home.

The weather is also a bit of an anomally at the moment. Overcast with rain most days - seriously minimising my tanning potential!

So here's what we have so far...

No bees, bugs, spiders or other crawly things
Jimmy Choos, Cavalli, DKNY and Zara

Expensive booze
Current lack of furniture

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