Friday, December 29, 2006

Global Village 2006-2007

So every year Dubai host what is called "Global Village" which is basically a collection of about 50 country specific stores that sell everything native to that country. So i.e. Romania you are surrounded by weird glass works and in Yemen you can buy every type of honey under the sun.
Each stall is then of course duly decorated with as much kitsch country paraphenalia as possible. Case in point - see the UK below.

In fact the only countries not represented were Israel (no surprise there) and the USA (more surprising. Maybe they felt adequately represented by the 40-off baskin robins, hardees and applebees). South Africa made a stand - albeit lumped together with the rest of the sub-saharan region.

The best part of Global Village is however definitely the (fekking expensive) rides. Being a woes I only went on the ferris wheel, the boat and some small speedy roller coaster thing. Given how high it was this picture seriously understates the fact that I was clinging onto the centre pole for dear life.

All in all my final comment is.... don't be a moron and wear heels. :(

1 comment:

Geoff said...

Heels + pole = pole dance. Hmmm, pole dance.