Monday, December 18, 2006

Photos of Flat and City

Sunday we walked across the construction zone to visit Geoff's colleague Maseeh before they left for a holiday to Malaysia and Singapore.

Anyway - I managed to get some photos of our complex entrance:

Our tower's the one in the middle. There's a pic below. We're on the 14th floor and our bedroom window overlooks the pool area.

And here's a photo of Burj Dubai which is to the left of our apartment about 250m away. It's going to be the tallest building in the world and will have the largest mall in the world attached to it. Currently it is 90-odd stories but is expected to top 170 by 2009/10.

And lastly, here's a skyline of Dubai. The two towers on the left in the distance are the Emirates Towers which always shown in the Dubai City Skyline pictures.

The other one you'll usually see is the 6 start Hotel Burj Al Arab which looks like a ship's sail and is an an island just off the coast of Dubai. It very expensive though and you can only enter it if you're staying there or eating there so don't expect any photos of that anytime soon!!

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