Saturday, June 30, 2007

Champagne and Chocolate at Vintage, Wafi City

After hearing of a champagne and chocolate fondue special, Katrin and I were keen to check it out. With this in mind we bundled the boys into a taxi last Saturday and set off to see what all the fuss was about.

Wafi City is a Mall/Hotel complex on the other side of the creek from where we live and for some reason (known only to Dubai) it is designed in the shape of a pyramid with all the necessary accoutrements to mimic ancient Egypt. Here is Jan tickling Anubis as he guards the entrance to the hotel.

We were soo tucking in to yummy chocolate fondues served with biscuits, marsh mallows and fruit alongside the promised bubbly

Jan, Katrin and Geoff posing for the paparazzi

Geoff being the intellectual

The remains fo a good night out

Jan and Katrin caught on camera

And myself trying to catch some sleep on the sly


Katrinayellow said...

I so dig that last photo :)

Helen said...

mwahahhaha I was tired I tell you. TIRED! That's my story and I'm sticking to it.